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5 Tips For Choosing Commercial Window Treatments

5 Tips For Choosing Commercial Window Treatments

5 Tips For Choosing Commercial Window Treatments 

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Window treatments can help elevate the mood and atmosphere of a business environment. They're often not at the top of the mind when designing and decorating a space, but they play a significant role in creating style and function. In addition, window treatments contribute to your building's energy efficiency by controlling glare, heat, and ultraviolet radiation. 

Fortunately, commercial window treatments come in a wide variety to fit any style, and can meet your requirements. You can create the look and feel you need for your spaces, allowing you to have a beautiful atmosphere for your staff and customers. But you need to know how to make your pick for this to happen. This article will share the best tips to help you choose your commercial window treatments. 

  1. Consider the type of space 

    The window setup depends on the type of business, and so are the window treatments. The kind of space you're considering installing window treatments in should be your top consideration. For example, a restaurant with an outdoor space may use the same treatments as an interior corporate office. The interior space isn't as exposed to harsh weather elements and contact with people and things.  

    The restaurant will need higher quality outdoor blinds that can withstand the harsh environment while providing the aesthetic and functional value required. Similarly, corporate office space will need treatments that aren't too distracting. But they should also be easy to control. The point is to look at the specific area carefully and spot what it requires before buying and installing window treatments. This will help you narrow down your search significantly and make your choice easier. 

  2. Look at your room's design 

    While the previous point is more about choosing window treatments for functionality, considering the room design is more about the aesthetic function. Your treatments need to create a look that matches the other décor elements in the space. They need to enhance the design and décor of your commercial space and not look misplaced. 

    Remember, you need to keep branding in mind to portray a consistent image in all your communication touchpoints such as your website and online business listings. Your office décor, including window treatments, should also enhance branding. For you to achieve this, it's advisable to go for custom treatments rather than picking them off the shelf.  

    When choosing window treatments to match your design, some significant elements you need to consider include colour, pattern, and fabric. Colour may help you enforce your brand image and texture and add character to your space. And the fabric you choose should fit naturally in the room. 

  3. Consider the level of light control you need 

    Light control is an essential function of window treatments, and it should be among your top considerations when picking one. Different spaces require different levels of light control. For example, an office reception might look and feel welcoming and full of energy when it's bright, with enough light coming through. However, some office spaces or businesses may feel more private, quiet, and meditative when they're darker, depending on the functions of the spaces.  

    But keep in mind that for you to efficiently control the lighting in a commercial space, you need flexible window treatments. This will allow you to control your lighting depending on situations and the function you require the blinds or treatments to play. Some of the most flexible window treatments for your commercial space include aluminium blinds.  

    These treatments offer excellent flexibility in transitioning a space from day to night mode, particularly for conference rooms and other spaces where you need to view videos and other such media. Others treatments include roller shades that work well in offering privacy to interior connecting rooms as well as exterior windows. (1) 

  4. Look at the level of energy efficiency 

    Commercial window treatments may require a considerable initial investment. But that's not as important as how much they'll cost you afterwards. One of the most important tips when choosing window treatments for your business is how well they'll work in insulating the building. 

    Notably, a large percentage of the heat entering to or escaping from your building is through the windows. If you forget to consider the level of energy efficiency of your window treatments, you may find yourself paying extremely high energy bills for heating or cooling the building. This is something you can avoid with your choice of window treatments. (2) 

    Commercial Window Treatment

  5. Choose a window treatment control mechanism

    Technology has made it possible to improve the efficiency of controlling your window treatments. Installing motorised blinds, shutter systems, or shades can make it easy to operate your treatments through remote-controlled devices or applications. This means you might need to consider how you want to operate your window treatments. (3)

    Keep in mind that the lesser your treatments come into contact with people, the more you eliminate the risks of damage and dirt. However, before you invest in this type of blinds, it's important to speak to reputable commercial window treatment experts to know your options. By consulting experts, you might also realise what you don't need. For example, if you find that manual blinds work best for you, then you can go for that option.  

    Final thoughts 

    There are many things to consider when choosing commercial window treatments. They can impact your business's atmosphere, mood, privacy, and even energy costs. But you'll do alright if you know the best tips in picking the most suitable ones for your space. The decision requires research and time. Don't hesitate to reach out to commercial window treatment experts for guidance.


    1. “Proper Lighting and Control Strategies Offer Multiple Benefits in a Variety of Commercial Interior Environments”, Source:

    2. “Reducing heat loss through home windows”, Source:





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