The Different Types of Feedback
Nowadays, feedback has become one of the most important concepts for any company; however, some companies do not engage with this practice as often as it deserves, wasting all the potential that is linked to it.
- What is Feedback?
- What are the different types of feedback?
- Positive feedback
- Negative feedback
- Other types of feedback
- How often should feedback be given?
- Conclusion
What is Feedback?
It is the positive or negative response to an action or behavior. When we talk about feedback in the management of the company, we refer to the return of information to an employee with which we indicate what he/she should continue to do or what things should be improved.
This feedback capacity is indispensable to guarantee the success of any work team. It reinforces the sense of responsibility, employees tend to improve at doing their tasks, and of course, it improves the organizational climate, guaranteeing the retention of talents in our team.
What are the different types of feedback?
If we seek the success of our team, it is simply fundamental that we know how to give good feedback. In the same way, it is important to understand what are the types of feedback, to understand when they are useful and what we will achieve with their use.
Positive feedback
It is one of the most powerful, and is based on highlighting the strengths and positive actions with respect to an employee's performance. Studies show that positive feedback is an effective tool to improve motivation.
In short, it is about reinforcing and highlighting strengths, rather than areas for improvement.
Negative feedback
It is the opposite of the above, for some worse while for others better. This type of feedback focuses on opportunities for improvement on the employee's performance, because the performance wasn't as expected.
Before even thinking about giving this type of negative feedback it is necessary to understand how to differentiate it from criticism. The important thing is to evaluate the situation that may be causing the failure to meet the objectives and not to subjectively judge the sit
uation or the employee.
Other types of feedback
Although feedback is really based on two types - negative and positive - within these we can find other types, which more than a "type" are the "way" in which the feedback is transmitted:
Implicit: it is produced by subtle signals, such as tone of voice or gestures, but without there being a clear form of intention to give the feedback. We do it unconsciously in most cases and it is part of everyday life. It is not highly recommended, as it lends itself to ambiguities, as it can be overlooked or misinterpreted.
Explicit: it is clear and direct; although gestures and verbal signals are often used, the intention is made very clear. It minimizes the risk of ambiguity, but must be given in an appropriate way so as not to cause a negative reaction in the receiver, in case of negative feedback.
Concrete: focused on very specific details or activities, it is a more descriptive type of feedback than the rest, and therefore better for correcting specific failures.
Constructive: focused on evaluating the differences between the behavior sought and that which has been given by the employee, it is a powerful tool to modify it effectively and appropriately.
General: it seeks to evaluate the employee as a whole, without considering separate aspects of the employee.
How often should feedback be given?
Generally, there are two times during the year to give feedback. It is common for companies to do it in the middle of the year or at the end of the year, there really is no rule and it will really depend on the organizational culture of our organization.
On the other hand, some companies give feedback at any time, as soon as it is necessary, not waiting for a particular moment, but on the contrary, it is done on a daily and fluid basis.
It is clear that making use of feedback will empower our work team, but as necessary as the feedback is knowing how to give it properly. That is why before putting this tool into practice it is essential to learn how our actions are going to affect others.
It is the perfect way to adequately channel the expectations of leaders, collaborators and the company in general, to increase performance and to detect and deal with problems in time.